So this past week i found out the hard way that you cant procrastinate like you could in high school. Only tho today is the 2nd day of school this week i have had about 3 weeks to work on this project that i had to finish for my communications class that was due was supposed to be finished today i was debating on just grabbing a cup and putting dirt in it hoping i would just get some points for it :). Last night i finally started to work on my homework that is due but i didn't feel like starting it till like 8 is or so not the smartest thing i have done but also not the dumbest so im still in the clear.
The project that i finished at 2 or maybe 3 this morning i was supposed to write a speech on how to do something or a demonstration speech well i thought that would be pretty easy to do but it doesnt help that every English teacher that i have had was a coach and so everything that i have learned on writing essays and outlines means nothing to college teachers cuz its wrong. thank goodness i have such an amazing smart girlfriend or i dont think i would be able to have finished this in time.
Last night i went over to Chunkys house cuz there was a slight problem with her car that some how ended up being my fault i dont know i think its just cuz im a guy and its a whole lot easier to blame a guy just because we are guys.... but i will take the blame for this cuz i owe her so much cuz she did the most difficult part of my project for me she made these wonderful brownies that i think gave me at least a... lets just say a better grade than i would have gotten if i would have made them, everyone loved them. While she was making the brownies i was working on fixing an outline that i had to have and the actually write out of the speech. i bet your wondering why i was up till 3 working on this if all i had to do was those 2 little things. well for me i have never been good at writing essays i have no idea why i can BS my way through almost anything but when it comes to putting it down on paper i can do it for the life of me.
Ok back to the story, so as Alix was cooking and i was working some of the time i get side tracked really easily idk i dont think i have an attention problem but if so it makes it alot more fun. ok sorry bad side note there so we worked very hard at everything and then Alix needed to go to bed so i went home to finish my homework and worked on it oh so hard all night till i finished maybe watching a little bit of family guy.
I woke up this morning and thought i was going to be late cuz i needed to pick up the brownies from Chunkys house cuz they were falling apart was we tryied to take them out of the pans so i thought i was going to be late and miss my time to give my speech. Barely making it there in time i got up there thinking that i wasnt going to have enough to say and finish before i was done well no instead i had to go a minute and 40 seconds over and for every 30 seconds we get docked 2 points not much but 2 points can be the difference from a B to an A.
Now im sitting in my lovely philosophy class that i have no idea whats going on. i feel like a dog chasing a car down the rode i dont understand what im doing but i will just go along with it for now. like today is really pointless in this class cuz all we are doing is coloring circles what ever i might be dropping this class anyways.
thank you so much for everything that you that you do for me love you are amazing. you have no idea how much every little thing you do for me means. i love you so much, i cant wait to see you :-*
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tubby's Answers
What have you accomplished in your life that you pride yourself on?
Being able go through high school with all the different things that I did and be able to say that I quite that it didn’t completely take my life and I have control over it again.
What is your biggest aspiration in life?
To be able to find someone to have a family with and be able to provide for them and make them happy as I can and always be able to keep them together.
When did you first realize you wanted to date me?
June 6th 2008 at the Las Vegas airport when we were on the plan you were 4 rows up and to there right of me….. JK the first couple times hanging out with you was when I realized it but didn’t think you would want me around this long.
Where is one place you want to travel at some point in your life?
I want to be able to go to England.
What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Letting things control my life putting myself in a position where I had no control of what I was doing and also putting others around me a risk.
What's one thing you want to improve on before you die?
I want to be able to be more caring and know when then the right time is to say things and do things
What's one thing that you want to teach your children?
I want to be able to teach them to love everyone for what and who they are and family is one of the most important thing to have cuz they will be with you forever and can be your best friend. Friends will come and go and u will love and hate each other but family are always there for one another as long as you don’t abuse it
If your soul mate died would you re-marry?
I don’t think I could. That was the one person that I was supposed to be with forever and I wouldn’t want anyone to try to take that place. I fell for her loved her and wanted to be with her how could I want to be with anyone else.
If you died would you want her to re-marry?
The a choice for her to make. Im not going to tell her that she cant if she feels like she needs someone in her life I wont complain cuz I was the first in her life and hopefully I am sealed and she wont seal to anyone else.
What is something you truly believe in?
Abstinence (bahahaha)
What is something your strongly against?
Woman’s Rights (hahaha)
What do you want people to remember you for?
For being someone that was a friend and loving. I wouldn’t want people to know me for someone famous, that never last cuz someone will always come in and take your place. Love and a great friendship can never be forgotten.
At this point do you feel like you are where you're supposed to be in your life?
Ya I do I feel like I have and im on the right way to where I need to go now.
What do you have a testimony of?
I have a Testimony of Joseph Smith and that he was an amazing man to be able to go as a teen and strongly believe that god sent an angel and told him the message the we have today and not let anyone tell him that he was wrong. And to go from that day forth and be persecuted every day of his life and never backing down and only fighting back by the words of god. And even when he knew he was going to die he wouldn’t deny anything that he had said. He brought forth the opportunity that we have to be able to learn and grow about god and know of his teachings. He started one of the most powerful churches on this earth today and he did it in one of the most difficult times of the century. To be able to do that you must have complete faith and be broken of Christ to do every thing that he must in order to start the church that we have today.
What is one thing you want to take away from being with me?
Not being so stressed and not look at others from pass experiences be able to live my life in the present one day at a time. To be more out going and know what I want more in life.
What is one thing you want me to take away from being with you?
That you are an amazing girl and not to let anyone tell you or put you down don’t settle go for everything that you can and deserve. Girls are angels like I said make sure you are being treated like on.
What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
That even tho they probably didn’t go through the same things that I did. They know what’s best for me and what I need to do to be able to grow and progress in life and what lays ahead of me.
Being able go through high school with all the different things that I did and be able to say that I quite that it didn’t completely take my life and I have control over it again.
What is your biggest aspiration in life?
To be able to find someone to have a family with and be able to provide for them and make them happy as I can and always be able to keep them together.
When did you first realize you wanted to date me?
June 6th 2008 at the Las Vegas airport when we were on the plan you were 4 rows up and to there right of me….. JK the first couple times hanging out with you was when I realized it but didn’t think you would want me around this long.
Where is one place you want to travel at some point in your life?
I want to be able to go to England.
What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Letting things control my life putting myself in a position where I had no control of what I was doing and also putting others around me a risk.
What's one thing you want to improve on before you die?
I want to be able to be more caring and know when then the right time is to say things and do things
What's one thing that you want to teach your children?
I want to be able to teach them to love everyone for what and who they are and family is one of the most important thing to have cuz they will be with you forever and can be your best friend. Friends will come and go and u will love and hate each other but family are always there for one another as long as you don’t abuse it
If your soul mate died would you re-marry?
I don’t think I could. That was the one person that I was supposed to be with forever and I wouldn’t want anyone to try to take that place. I fell for her loved her and wanted to be with her how could I want to be with anyone else.
If you died would you want her to re-marry?
The a choice for her to make. Im not going to tell her that she cant if she feels like she needs someone in her life I wont complain cuz I was the first in her life and hopefully I am sealed and she wont seal to anyone else.
What is something you truly believe in?
Abstinence (bahahaha)
What is something your strongly against?
Woman’s Rights (hahaha)
What do you want people to remember you for?
For being someone that was a friend and loving. I wouldn’t want people to know me for someone famous, that never last cuz someone will always come in and take your place. Love and a great friendship can never be forgotten.
At this point do you feel like you are where you're supposed to be in your life?
Ya I do I feel like I have and im on the right way to where I need to go now.
What do you have a testimony of?
I have a Testimony of Joseph Smith and that he was an amazing man to be able to go as a teen and strongly believe that god sent an angel and told him the message the we have today and not let anyone tell him that he was wrong. And to go from that day forth and be persecuted every day of his life and never backing down and only fighting back by the words of god. And even when he knew he was going to die he wouldn’t deny anything that he had said. He brought forth the opportunity that we have to be able to learn and grow about god and know of his teachings. He started one of the most powerful churches on this earth today and he did it in one of the most difficult times of the century. To be able to do that you must have complete faith and be broken of Christ to do every thing that he must in order to start the church that we have today.
What is one thing you want to take away from being with me?
Not being so stressed and not look at others from pass experiences be able to live my life in the present one day at a time. To be more out going and know what I want more in life.
What is one thing you want me to take away from being with you?
That you are an amazing girl and not to let anyone tell you or put you down don’t settle go for everything that you can and deserve. Girls are angels like I said make sure you are being treated like on.
What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
That even tho they probably didn’t go through the same things that I did. They know what’s best for me and what I need to do to be able to grow and progress in life and what lays ahead of me.
Chunky's Answers
What have you accomplished in your life that you pride yourself on?
I stayed true to my morals. Even though the church wasn't in my life for a period of time and I strayed a bit I new the difference between right and wrong and I stayed true to that dispite was my friends were doing.
What is your biggest aspiration in life?
I want to find my soul mate and be sealed to him for eternity and have a family. I want to continue my life completely consumed in love and happiness.
When did you first realize you wanted to date me?
At Shelby's birthday party. That was the first time I really payed attention to the wonderful person that was right in front of my face.
Where is one place you want to travel at some point in your life?
I want to go back to Paris. I really didn't appreciate it at all the first time and I'd really like to go back to see everything again and take it in for what it is. And even though it's cliche` Paris really is romantic so when I go back I'd like to go with someone I love.
What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Ummm I don't know actually. Probably texting while I'm driving. Ya that almost killed me once..and you'd think I'd learn but I didn't.
What's one thing you want to improve on before you die?
I want to be stonger in the church. There are things that I tend to skimp out on because of stupid earthly things. I want to become more perfected in that and be better prepared.
What's one thing that you want to teach your children?
I want to teach my children the gospel. It wasn't a part of my life until much later and because of that I've had to deal with things that other people haven't. I want them to be able to know the gospel for their entire lives and I want them to know how important family is. If they take nothing but that I could be happy.
If your soul mate died would you re-marry?
No. I completely believe that everyone has a soul mate: a perfect match and one person they are meant to spend their life with. If something were to happen to him I wouldn't be able to re-marry. I would feel as if I were cheating the other person and myself.
If you died would you want him to re-marry?
I would want him to be happy. End of story. If that means him re-marrying than that would be fine with me, but I would hope he would stay sealed to me.
What is something you truly believe in?
I believe that everything happens for a reason. The trials we go through and the mistakes we make all lead us to where we are supposed to be. If we were all perfect there would be no reason for us to be here. I made mistakes and I fell away from the church but that made me stronger and that made me really appreciate the church.
What is something your strongly against?
Underestimating people.
What do you want people to remember you for?
I want people to remember me for being a good person. When I was younger my goal was to be america's sweetheart. I wanted to be nice to everyone and friends with everyone. I'm still working on that, but hopefully I'll get it right eventually. I wouldn't want to leave here with people hurt by something I said or did at any point in my life.
At this point do you feel like you are where you're supposed to be in your life?
Yes. I think about this a lot. It's funny how a chain of events that seem so insignificant at the time and lead you to exactly where you're supposed to be. This really helps me think positively of people to. Not that I don't normally, but sometimes people come into our lives and really hurt us. But that hurt leads us to someone that we will love even more than the last and for that I'm grateful.
What do you have a testimony of?
God has a plan for everyone of us. Without a doubt this is the one thing I've always believed in my entire life.
What is one thing you want to take away from being with me?
Already I feel like I've taken something away from being with you. Through your example I want to be a better person. I especially want to have a heart like yours. You love so many people with your whole heart. You are someone that I always want in my life because of this. You are someone that I want as a bestfriend, husband, and father for my children. I know that they would always be cared for and loved with a father like you.
What is one thing you want me to take away from being with you?
I want you to truly know what an amazing person you are. If there is ever a time when you are doubting you should look at yourself the way I see you. You truly are amazing and an example to those around you. You are strong, faithful, loving, gentle, passionate, smart, fun, sensitive, funny, and so much more.
What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
How to be strong. My family had our tough times but that only taught me how to be stronger and really believe in myself. People are always going to try to put you down and stand in your way but with the right people in your life you can overcome any obstacle.
Would you wait for me?
I feel like I have already waited for you. I prayed to find someone as perfect as you and I waited a long time untill that prayer was answered. I would wait an entire life time just to spend one day with you.
I stayed true to my morals. Even though the church wasn't in my life for a period of time and I strayed a bit I new the difference between right and wrong and I stayed true to that dispite was my friends were doing.
What is your biggest aspiration in life?
I want to find my soul mate and be sealed to him for eternity and have a family. I want to continue my life completely consumed in love and happiness.
When did you first realize you wanted to date me?
At Shelby's birthday party. That was the first time I really payed attention to the wonderful person that was right in front of my face.
Where is one place you want to travel at some point in your life?
I want to go back to Paris. I really didn't appreciate it at all the first time and I'd really like to go back to see everything again and take it in for what it is. And even though it's cliche` Paris really is romantic so when I go back I'd like to go with someone I love.
What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
Ummm I don't know actually. Probably texting while I'm driving. Ya that almost killed me once..and you'd think I'd learn but I didn't.
What's one thing you want to improve on before you die?
I want to be stonger in the church. There are things that I tend to skimp out on because of stupid earthly things. I want to become more perfected in that and be better prepared.
What's one thing that you want to teach your children?
I want to teach my children the gospel. It wasn't a part of my life until much later and because of that I've had to deal with things that other people haven't. I want them to be able to know the gospel for their entire lives and I want them to know how important family is. If they take nothing but that I could be happy.
If your soul mate died would you re-marry?
No. I completely believe that everyone has a soul mate: a perfect match and one person they are meant to spend their life with. If something were to happen to him I wouldn't be able to re-marry. I would feel as if I were cheating the other person and myself.
If you died would you want him to re-marry?
I would want him to be happy. End of story. If that means him re-marrying than that would be fine with me, but I would hope he would stay sealed to me.
What is something you truly believe in?
I believe that everything happens for a reason. The trials we go through and the mistakes we make all lead us to where we are supposed to be. If we were all perfect there would be no reason for us to be here. I made mistakes and I fell away from the church but that made me stronger and that made me really appreciate the church.
What is something your strongly against?
Underestimating people.
What do you want people to remember you for?
I want people to remember me for being a good person. When I was younger my goal was to be america's sweetheart. I wanted to be nice to everyone and friends with everyone. I'm still working on that, but hopefully I'll get it right eventually. I wouldn't want to leave here with people hurt by something I said or did at any point in my life.
At this point do you feel like you are where you're supposed to be in your life?
Yes. I think about this a lot. It's funny how a chain of events that seem so insignificant at the time and lead you to exactly where you're supposed to be. This really helps me think positively of people to. Not that I don't normally, but sometimes people come into our lives and really hurt us. But that hurt leads us to someone that we will love even more than the last and for that I'm grateful.
What do you have a testimony of?
God has a plan for everyone of us. Without a doubt this is the one thing I've always believed in my entire life.
What is one thing you want to take away from being with me?
Already I feel like I've taken something away from being with you. Through your example I want to be a better person. I especially want to have a heart like yours. You love so many people with your whole heart. You are someone that I always want in my life because of this. You are someone that I want as a bestfriend, husband, and father for my children. I know that they would always be cared for and loved with a father like you.
What is one thing you want me to take away from being with you?
I want you to truly know what an amazing person you are. If there is ever a time when you are doubting you should look at yourself the way I see you. You truly are amazing and an example to those around you. You are strong, faithful, loving, gentle, passionate, smart, fun, sensitive, funny, and so much more.
What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
How to be strong. My family had our tough times but that only taught me how to be stronger and really believe in myself. People are always going to try to put you down and stand in your way but with the right people in your life you can overcome any obstacle.
Would you wait for me?
I feel like I have already waited for you. I prayed to find someone as perfect as you and I waited a long time untill that prayer was answered. I would wait an entire life time just to spend one day with you.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I Have Some Questions For You!
Today while I was doing that survey about you I started thinking that there are things that I don't know about you. That's only natural, but I came up with some questions. Beware though these questions aren't the easiest, but that's why I wanted to ask them. So have fun! I can't wait to read the answers! And if you want I'll answer these questions or anything else you wanna ask :) I love you!
What have you accomplished in your life that you pride yourself on?
What is your biggest aspiration in life?
When did you first realize you wanted to date me?
Where is one place you want to travel at some point in your life?
What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
What's one thing you want to improve on before you die?
What's one thing that you want to teach your children?
If your soul mate died would you re-marry?
If you died would you want her to re-marry?
What is something you truly believe in?
What is something your strongly against?
What do you want people to remember you for?
At this point do you feel like you are where you're supposed to be in your life?
What do you have a testimony of?
What is one thing you want to take away from being with me?
What is one thing you want me to take away from being with you?
What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
What have you accomplished in your life that you pride yourself on?
What is your biggest aspiration in life?
When did you first realize you wanted to date me?
Where is one place you want to travel at some point in your life?
What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?
What's one thing you want to improve on before you die?
What's one thing that you want to teach your children?
If your soul mate died would you re-marry?
If you died would you want her to re-marry?
What is something you truly believe in?
What is something your strongly against?
What do you want people to remember you for?
At this point do you feel like you are where you're supposed to be in your life?
What do you have a testimony of?
What is one thing you want to take away from being with me?
What is one thing you want me to take away from being with you?
What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Right this second I am sitting in biology and I have NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON! I think we're talking about photosynthesis! Pshh who needs to pay attention to that? It's all weird plant sun food junky stuff that we've been learning since 3rd grade. Remember the little bean plant? Come on I'm tired of learning about photosynthesis. Ba. So I decided to write a story. This story is based an real people and some true events, but it is totally fictional and in no way jynxing any part of my future just because it is being written on this blog!
The 2 were accepted to school because they are oh so smart and in August they packed up and left. Together they got straight A's and all the teachers wanted to put them in advanced placement prgrams cuz the 2 were just to smart for ordinary classes. All the while the 2 fell more and more in love. The 2 fell so in love that they decided they couldn't stand to be apart at all. One night the boy took the girl out and to her suprise pulled out the most beautiful engagement ring she had ever seen. It was perfect and everything she wanted because the boy was amazing and knew exactly what she wanted! It looked something like this!

Anyways, of course she said yes because she knew from the very beginning that the boy was her soul mate. They went home to visit their families and tell them the news and they were ecsatic! They were married in the temple and were sealed for all of time and eternity!



Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl. From a very young age the girl was a hopeless romantic and often pondered about her life with her soul mate. She also started thinking about all the qualitites her soul mate would have. She would lie in bed at night and dream of her love and hope to find him soon. One day the girl was hanging out with her best friend because it was her best friend's birthday. She noticed a boy standing off to the side talking to a few other guys. She had seen this boy before but at that moment she realized that he was someone very special. Months later, after being rejected by the boy and giving up, the boy texted the girl. She was so excited that he wanted to talk to her! They started talking about all kinds of things! They talked everyday for the next few weeks. Eventually, the girl wanted to see the boy. So she tried and tried to get him to hang out with her, but things never seemed to work out. One night though, she finally got to hang out with him. When she saw him that night her heart raced because she had forgotten what a stud muffin he was. She tried to keep her cool the entire night even though she probably failed miserably. Over the next few weeks the boy and the girl started hanging out more and more. They were having so much fun together they couldn't get enough! But then sadly school started and the 2 weren't able to see eachother as much. This made them sad so they decided to run away to a far off land known as Utah so they could go to school together!


Anyways, of course she said yes because she knew from the very beginning that the boy was her soul mate. They went home to visit their families and tell them the news and they were ecsatic! They were married in the temple and were sealed for all of time and eternity!

They moved in together and finished college. They each got a degree in brilliance which they used to get very nice jobs! They made lots of money and used it to buy a ranch that they filled with horses.

Once they were established they started having kids! They're kids were beatiful stud muffins! After many happy years, the kids moved away with their spouses and the 2 were alone again. They retired and spent their days together in soul mate loving bliss! Then they finally passed and were reunited in Heaven where they could be together for all of their days!

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