Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Caution to Girlfriends Everywhere!!

Last night Chey came over to hang out. He was going to make me the best brownies ever that SHelby and I discovered a while ago. They're seriously amazing and he's amazing for making them for me. Well anyways we went to the store and got everything...except we couldn't make them. So sad but he promised he'd make them for me tonight!! So you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this since the title of this post is a caution. No I'm not trying to warn you about guys who bake delicious brownies..although you don't want to get fat off of them..I'm telling you this because I want you to know how amazing I think Chey is before I tell you the caution.

So now that your fully convinced that he's awesome here we go. Last night around 11 Chey and I fell asleep. We were exhausted so it happens. Anyways, he is supposed to leave by 12 so we set an alarm. Apparently his phone was on silent so we never heard it go off. At 12:12 I woke up realizing what time it was. Usually I try to wake Chey up and it takes him a while but eventually he gets up. Last night I rolled over and kissed him on the cheek. He did that little hand wave..ya know the one where you push someone away. But wait it gets better. After he waved me off he had enough energy in his tired little body to say "STOP" and rolled over leaving me all by myself. So feeling a little saddened I got up and went to make my bed figuring that Chey would wake up realizing I wasn't next to him. NOPE! After I finished my bed I came out to find him sprawled out on the couch sleeping like a baby. I sat next to him and figured I'd just finish writing a paper I have due. I opened my computer (hoping the light would wake him up) but Chey looked up at me as if to say "Shut that off can't you see I'm sleeping?" and he rolled over. After many more failed attempts to wake him up he finally realized what time it was and got up.

Here's the warning girls...don't ever try to wake a sleeping boy. It just ends bad. Now obviously Chey didn't mean to roll over..he was sleeping and I know that. But I still had to share this little story.


  1. hahahahahahahahahaha loved the story. O p.s. has chey cooked for you yet? cause last time we cooked the cake looked like the leaning tower of pisa /pizza.. however its spelled haha so I was figuring that was your caution but as his sister my dirt for you is watch out for his cooking haha Alix we should go lifeguard together somewhere lol!

  2. whooa not done that picture of you two is AMAZIZNG! at the top its my favorite

  3. he hasn't cooked food for me but he bakes a lot..suprisingly he's better at it than i am..i seem to burn everything lately..we should totally get a job together!! it'd be so fun..have you started applying anywhere yet?
