Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Is Not An Insult To Your Intelligence

Hi Tubby!!

This post is especially for you :) Because I was going to say all this in a comment and the thought came to me that its possible you don't even check your blogs for comments. If you don't I encourage you too because Shelby (especially) leaves you many comments on your posts. So ya if you don't check them you should start. If you do and I'm wasting my time byt putting al lthis in a post instead of a comment then oh well. Like the title says this isn't an insult to your intelligence because your very smart! You even kicked my butt on the math act. Anyways. This is what I wanted to say about your post. The first part is hilarious. You think your life is boring but it really isn't my friend. I laughed! It was funny. So you should stop thinking your boring and you should post more blogs so I can giggle. The rest of it..thank you :). Your incredible! That's all I have to say. lol. Oh by the way, the unlikely happened...I cleaned my room! YAY! Ok well whenever your reading this I hope your having an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night. 831 :)

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